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Blog: Blog2

Choices In Lemons

Let's be honest. On this 20th day in May, most of us feel like we should be planning for our summer. Student-Athletes are preparing to get ready for the AAU summer circuit. Pros are either finishing their respective seasons or have just hit the midway point. In any event, we're all are feeling FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) of the opportunities that we are usually accustomed to.

So the biggest question is, what should we do? Well, amidst the social distancing protocols and precautions that many states and countries have taken heed to, it is important that we work to be creative in our daily lives. It is important that we continue to strive to be our greatest selves regardless of what our underlying circumstance may be. The hardships that many face at this point in time is merely a setback. History shows us that setbacks usually are the fetal stages for birthing amazing opportunities. Though many individuals have difficulties seeing it amidst the turmoil, it is far more important to remember our goals through staying consistent in our approach.

From an athletic (particularly basketball) standpoint, we may not be in a position to go to the gym, embrace physical contact, and feel the energy of a crowd, however, we do have the opportunity to simulate and really engulf ourselves in all the intangible things that create a better basketball player. Such things are, watching game film (studying), running (cardio), getting shots up in places that allow us to do so, ball-handling, reading about or watching quality documentaries about the premier athlete and learning their approaches to competition, lifting weights to increase strength, etc. This position allows you to continue to be in game mode even when the mere thought of actual competition seems so far away.

Its like the saying goes, "Stay ready so you don't have to get ready," which of course means, at any moment this could be over and your opportunity may come to showcase what you've done. It's funny that individuals who have not prepared - have not stayed ready -

are actually disappointed at a lack of opportunity or the opportunity changed from their benefit to no more due to their "unreadiness."

With all this being said, life has given us lemons, lets not make a sour face at the circumstance and throw out the lemons. Instead, embrace this time, and discover a way to make lemonade. Make the choice to stay ready, even in times of uncertainty.

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