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Experience is the Best Teacher

Often times as parents, teachers, coaches, or even an experienced person, we put heavy expectations on people without knowing their own experiences. Apart of learning is one's ability to experience. Experience ups, experience downs, all in the opportunity to have development. Once we understand this, we start to take pressures off of or remove unfair expectations of people, because we know that experiences are subjective.

We've heard the phrase, "grow through, what you go through." In essence, the more experiences we have, the more opportunities we learn. From a coaching and teaching perspective, it has become apparent that if a child is learning a new skill or is apart of a team dynamic with an end goal, they will want to get better or meet an expectation more thoroughly if we as the experienced encourage both the positive and negatives of the child's experience. This means, that whether the child is successful (or what we deem to be success as the experienced) or has failed (remembering that failure is not necessarily negative) we need to be encouraging and understanding throughout the process.

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