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Blog: Blog2

Practiced Failure to Confident Success

As stated in the previous post

, mastering a skill takes time, but more so, uncanny amounts of effort, consistency, and hard work. Don't expect to perfect things is one session, or even in one day. The more you do something, the better you get at it. This is the idea of muscle memory. train yourself to be perfect, and you will at least come very close to it. 

You may have heard the saying "practice makes perfect." In actuality, "relentless practice, makes almost perfect." Nobody is perfect, even Michael Jordan wasn't perfect. Yet with relentless practice and the knowing that failure is apart of success, you will become better than you were when you first started. And that is the purpose of practice. Along with this, practicing "good habits" is apart of relentless practice. It is pointless to practice if you aren't practicing the right way, whether it be technique or even style.

You have the right to do what you love to do, because you have worked hard to do it. 

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